Did you watch when Sir Richard Branson travelled into space on the 11th of July 2021? He officially became an astronaut and created a new record in space tourism at the age of 70. He had been dreaming of travelling to space since he was a child.

Personally, watching his dream come to reality was a time of great reflection and unusual excitement. I looked at Sir Branson and started thinking about what was going on in his mind because this is a generational achievement, a milestone. If he had thought that he could no longer achieve anything in life because of his age, then what happened on the 11th of July would never have seen the light of the day and his dream of space travel would have died within him.

Stop thinking about your age which is just a number and do something you've always dreamt of doing. Click To Tweet

For some of us who believe or think that because we are 60 years and above we can no longer achieve anything meaningful, I suggest that you go and watch Sir Richard Branson launching the Virgin Galactic because it will help you to change your thought process and motivate you to stop thinking about your age which is just a number and do something you’ve always dreamt of doing.

You do not need to do something as big as Virgin Galactic but you can start taking steps to bring some of your childhood ideas (or any ideas at all ) to fruition, and you will get there one day. Richard Branson didn’t start yesterday it was a work of many years.

I pray that God will give me the grace to go on this space travel during my lifetime.

In the words of Richard Branson, “If you ever had a dream now is the time to make it come true.”